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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  December 29, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm PST

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time is running out. in less than 24 hours, chin's hospital in oakland will -- children's hospital in oakland will stop providing life support for a patient. >> dan, what is the latest at this hour? >> reporter: well, until it changes, the hospital's stance remains the same. they plan to remove jahiah off
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life support tomorrow. the family said they identify lead to facilities that would take her. children's hospital's attorney didn't sound surprised that those fell through. >> it's rare if not unheard of for another facility to receive a deceased person who is an a ventilator. he said they have been in talks with the family. >> we have not heard back from their attorney, so we don't really know where things stand. >> reporter: singer said until that changes, children's hospital stance remains unchanged. >> barring on unforeseen legal action tomorrow, when 5:00 comes around, the ventilate her be removed. >> singer also answered the question of why a hospital can't just wait a few more are kays to give her family more time to find a facility for her. >> it's in the hands of the family now. the judge made a decision by
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tomorrow 5:00 p.m. being a deadline. if the family chooses to take action, that's their right. >> that means the fight could go back to court. >> there's no good way to end this story. there are no winners in this story. only a lot of people who are walking away very, very sad, and i think everyone wishes are it would be differently. >> the family has said they want to preserve any chance she has at recovery. however, it now appears the family has suffered a grave injury from which they'll never recover. reporting live from oakland, kron 4 news. friends and supporters of her family gathered today than oakland church to pray after a fund raise they are was canceled. the give jahia a chance event was to help raise the $20,000 they believe would be needed to air lift her to another state, but that's request of the family, the event was shut down at the last minute, since they
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haven't been able to solidify plans with a long-term care facility that will accept her. the pastor of the family said the family is hopeful that they will find a place for her to go before monday's deadline. >> we believe that the life is in the blood, and a mother wants to give her daughter every opportunity to live. we don't know what the outcome is going to be. she has faith in god, and so do i. >> but it appears that they will have an enough money to move her if an agreement can be reach evidence. a web site generated to help raise funds has surpassed it's goal of $20,000 in just two days. and again that deadline is tomorrow evening. we'll keep following this developing story to get the most up to date details, be sure to head over to, or download our mobile app. >> a fire truck and mercedes collided sending two people to the hospital. one of those injured was a
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firefighters, the other an occupant of the mercedes. the wreckage was cleaned up as the road was closed down. police say the fire truck was responding to an incident at the time of the crash. >> fire truck was traveling against a red light. however, the operator did have its emergency lights on, as well as it's siren, so it's all under investigation right now. himmarily, it appears are that the civilian driver are spray failed to yield. however, that's under investigation. >> the injuries to the firefighter and mercedes passenger were described as minor to moderate. the police department is on high alert this holiday season for did ui drivers. we look at the process the drivers could face if they do decide to drink and drive. >> reporter: the police department is patrolling the streets, and anyone doing
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anything out of the said pulled over. now, most people admitted to drinking, but passed a field sobriety test. that wasn't the case for everyone. >> how much alcohol have you had to drink in the last six hours? >> reporter: 32-year-old said he has had two beers, but the smell of alcohol wreaking from his body urged officers to administer a preliminary alcohol test. >> don't move your head. you're moving your head. don't move your head. >> reporter: he was having a hard time following the pen with his eyes. >> i'm going to have you take nine steps along that line touching heel to toe. make sure the heel of one toe touches the -- make sure the heel of one foot touches the toe of the other. i want you to get your balance, hold one foot off the ground, six inches off the ground. keep your foot up until i ask you put it down. >> reporter: by the time he blew into the breathalyzer, he
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was visibly shaken. >> you're at a .10, so you're well over the legal limit, so i am going to arrest you for driving under the influence of alcohol. >> reporter: she an unlicensed driver, but had a guatemalan passport as i.d. in this case, if immigration decides to step in, he will be in jail at least until monday. the 49ers clinched the 5th side in the play-offs with a win over the cardinals. now it's on to green by for a match-up with the packers in the first round of the playoffs. jason will be in with highlights and reaction later in sports. the oakland raiders ended their
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season today, losing to the denver broncos. we look at how the radar nation had to struggle through this one. >> reporter: well, the raiders finishing their season a dismal 4-12. same record they had last year. so no improvement for the raiders. and they came out today and lost badly to the denver broncos and manning. peyton manning was brilliant in this game. it was really one for the record books, at least for the broncos. the raiders playing for pride, but they would be even have that after this one was over. it was never really a contest. the broncos came out of the gates firing. peyton manning threw for four touchdowns in the first half. that's all he played was one half. that's all he would need, as the raiders were shut out in that first half 31-0. the raiders would score a couple of touchdowns in garbage time. most of the raiders nation headed to the exits early in this one. peyton manning passes drew brees for are the most passing
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yards in a single season with 5,477. the broncos also become the highest scoring team in nfl history during the regular season with the win. today the broncos clinching a second consecutive afc number one seed. after the game we heard from a very happy peyton manning, and a very uncertain head coach, dennis allen. >> i fully expect to get -- to be back. you know, i fully believe that i deserve the opportunity to come back here and get a chance to, as we've said, you know, go through the deconstruction phase. i want to be part of the rebuilding phase. >> so a good game today. i thought we needed this win. needed to improve on some things, you know, from last week or the week before, coaches challenged us in a couple of areas. i think we responded to those challenges and so i thought that was good overall effort today.
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>> reporter: and now as the radar go into the off-- raiders go into the off-season, there are a lot of questions, be such as if the coach will be here, and some of the big-name free agents, such i such as darin mcfadden. but a very disappointing season for the raiders. >> well, be in oakland, there were some records. record high temperatures today. going up to 73 degrees this afternoon. what a warm day for the end of december all around the bay area. also 7 a into hay areward. every place and also the 60s with lots of sunshine, and these temperatures 10 to 15 degrees above average, and there really is very little change on the way as we go through the next few day's in fact, all the way through next weekend. still temperatures getting cold as we go towards the in the morning. look for more upper 20s, low 300s. 40s bay side. as we go into the mid-day, and
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into the afternoon, look for temperatures to get up close to 60 by noon, and then into the mid-60s for the afternoon with sunshine. i'll let you know about the forecast for new year's eve coming up. >> today, just weeks before the olympics in russia, a suicide bomber leaves behind carnage outside a train station. and a modesto man in the city for a good time. what led to his shooting outside a popular nightclub next. good. good answer.
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check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left.
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[ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. a shooting happened at 2:00 a.m. this morning after a nightclub let out. police receive reports of shots fired by post and fill moore streets. police say a modesto resident was shot and killed while standing on the sidewalk.
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the search is still on tonight for the gunman. next up, the best of the worst. stanley roberts are pulls together his favorite people behaving badly for 2013.
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the streets are back open after a suspicious package short down an entire area. the package was left unattended and turned out to be somebody's suitcase. >> a suitcase was concerning enough to that citizen to call us, and we came out and taking everybody precaution to keep everyone safe in the area, as i said, because it is unusual. >> both streets were blocked off, and residents in the area were temporarily ordered to shelter in place. the white house is condemning a deadly bombing a at train station in southern russia today, just over a month
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before the sochi olympics cert begin. in this video, you can see a large flash of light as the bomb explodes shaking the building, and even a camera from across the plaza. smoke is seen pouring out of the windows through the train station. 16 were killed in that blast, and more than 30 injured. scott thompson has details on the bombing. >> reporter: a security camera i shows the moment a massive explosion at a major train station in russia, follow bade steady trail of smoke from the shattered windows. according to available information, the explosion was carried out bay female suicide bomb we're saw a police officer next to her on her way to the metal detecters are. she became nervous is detonated the device. >> reporter: first respond ares are rushed to help get the wounded to the hospital. >> the hospital was equivalent to 10 kilograms of tnt. >> reporter: officials also say the bomb contained shrapnel
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which can cause severe injuries. here you can see the aftermath. the attack comes shortly after another suicide bombing in russia where six people were killed. lining that one, the latest bombs also carried out by a female. this now raises security concerns for the 2014 winter olympics. >> if we don't see an attempt any the olympics, i would be very sir surprised. >> reporter: russia says it will enforce strict security measures to prevent any attacks. >> a section of the mexican highway near the u.s. border collapsed on saturday. the toll road road. the damage happened about 60 miles from mexico's border with the u.s. the area was hit with an earthquake recently, which may have contributed to the collapse. >> michael schumacher, formula one driver, suffered severe
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head draw make on sunday while skiing in france. he hit his head on a rock, but he was wearing a helmet. he was airlifted to the hospital. the hospital said that he was in a coma upon arrival, needing an immediate neurosurgical intervention. he remains in critical condition tonight. he won 7 world are championships during his career. >> a very warm holiday week with lots of record high temperatures, and really no end in sight to this warm weather. for tomorrow look for another mostly sunny day.
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satellite picture shows cloud- free conditions for the most part across california. we do dew have some clouds out here to the west. we will get a few high, thin clouds to roll over head for monday, late monday and tuesday, and for much of this week, but no rain in site, and we'll end 2013 as the dryest year any record for the bay area. these are the average rainfall totals for a typical calendar year. up around 35 inches for santa rosa, 23 for san francisco, 20 for oakland, but this year most places 5 inches or less. so an extremely dry year, and perhaps there will be some changes, hopefully, for 2014. temperatures monday afternoon going into the low-to-mid 60s. very similar to watt we had today, tuesday very similar who to what we had today, as well, and you could say that pretty much for the entire week.
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temperatures into the mid-60s. an few degrees cooler for the weekend. >> you can't hold the phone in your hand. >> oh! >> it's that time of year are again. time to look back at some of the most memorable moments of people behaving badly for 2013. >> pit your seats back in the upright position, because it's going to be a bumpy ride. only if san francisco can you see a grown man in a pink dress playing a guitar singing if front of the united states federal building with his junk exposed. but he wasn't alone. san francisco nudists are trying to get the federal courts to block a ban on nudity due to take effect february
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1st. yes, chef add ticket for $110 for parking on the sidewalk, if violation of san francisco's parking laws, and then he turned his attention towards me. >> you're just a negro with a job. >> reporter: i'm just a negro with a job? what does that even mean? >> i bought this house. this is my property! i should be able to park -- >> don't put your hand -- >> i paid for this house. i can park in my driveway like everybody else. >> reporter: i'm glad to see somebody is, you know, doing their job. >> tag 'em. >> reporter: so much love. >> you're on city property, ma'am. >> your crazy as (bleep) get out of here!
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>> run it! run it! run it! >> reporter: you know, you can can't have without buddy the elf running to a porta-potty. i couldn't make it to the beta breakers, but that doesn't mean i have to be a party. aer, no pun intended. and these men are having a conversation right in the middle of the freeway. notice the man in the white shirt, he is holding a cellphone, as well. if this were a fishing derby, this would be the prize catch. >> it's beyonding badly. >> reporter: there's a special place in hell for the people who vandalized the oakland cemetery. things are being stole frontal grave markers, things like
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teddy bears. >> you got this stuff in oakland? >> you have to talk to my boss. i work for somebody. >> who do you work for? >> reporter: this lady was caught speeding at 55 in a 40, and blew through the cross walk that i was right smack in the middle of. i was inches from being run over by you. and no, be she is not crying, she is actually laughing. >> are you putting me on tv? >> reporter: yeah, i'm put you on tv. you almost killed me! which can only mean one thing, this driver is a bawler. you have to be a bawler if you can afford a $500 ticket. >> reporter: you're balling, right? you must be balling, because you know how much the tick is, right? >> i can't afford it, man. man, i really can't afford it, man. this is just another trouble i have to go through. >> reporter: you're looking at a driver about to do donuts on the streets of oakland, and at
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first glance, it's just an disruption at an east bay interception. i want you to pay close attention to the depth of the screen. watch as the white lights soon change to blue and red, and thus ends the side show. the yeah, this guy is wrapping his junk with a bandana. then he just kicks it into park for much of the day, naked as a jay bird, wearing more more than a red bandana. question. first i saw you on your cellphone, and secondly, this ask for trucks and buses only. why are you here? >> oh, because i can't -- >> reporter: the sign is way down there that says you can't come down here. you on your phone? yeah, i can still hear your speakerphone on. who are you talking to? >> my mom. >> reporter: let me talk to your mom for a second.
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let me talk to your mom. hey, mom, you have your daughter on this phone without her hand's free device. >> open the door, sheriff's department! sheriff's department! sheriff's department! >> reporter: for the first time in the history of a san francisco sheriff's department, they have permitted cameras unprecedented access to this elite unit simply known as the warrant services unit. for the warrant services unit looks for people who don't wants to be found. she was cited for speeding, a broken windshield, no plates, no child seat, and? >> operation after notification. that means we told you to put plates on the car, you were given a skytation, and haven't done it. >> i don't want to be filmed. >> reporter: well, you're in public, i don't need your position. >> you do need permission to film me. >> reporter: you're an attorney? >> no, but i have a friend who is. >> reporter: this time while
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watching, the police commander who overcease the division just happened to see me shooting and asked what the problem be was. so i showed him. >> i just saw it, and we're going to get is some [ indiscernible ] out here to take care of it. >> reporter: i asked him his name. >> at one time i was with the [ indiscernible ] blues band. >> reporter: then she brought a real pedestrian cross walk sign, following by a slow curve sign, and a showdown sign. none of the signs appeared to work, so i brought in a different type of sign. it was a sign of the california highway patrol, and for some reason, that seemed to do the trick. this driver was doing 34 in a 25, which, by the way, is a school zone, so, and let's not forget this photo that made the cover of sf weekly.
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that's nothing to sneeze about, and it was a first for me. so what will 2014 bring? well, if 2013 is any indication, it's going to be a busy year. stanley has his hands full. coming up, a nice day at the beach reveals a sinister swimmer. we'll show you a picture that a mom took that made her think twice about letting her kids back in the water. >> plus new yorkers are getting a jump on new year's.
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a man was killed this morning near the kabiki my eighter. police say he was killed while standing on the sidewalk. a search for the gunman is still underway. >> and a suicide bomber in russia today killed 16 and wounded others. the bombing is under investigation. federal officials say a single-engine plane crashed into a front yard on thursday, taking two lives. the victims were the pilot and
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his 8-year-old nephew. federal efficiencies are on the scene looking for answers, but it may take a while. >> this is the latest picture of farmer and his nephew thompson. a family friend said pictures are were take bin family members from the man took off their ride. the man who owns the home where the lane crashed said family members drove to the house after hearing about the crash. he said the mother was on her hands and knees screaming. >> definitely a tragic time. it's our number one issue right now is to -- we're in a data collection mode, we're trying to collect all of the factual evidence and factual information regarding the aircraft accident. >> the plane actually was headed to the chandler airport. investigators are say the plane
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made two 180-degree turns before it clipped the tree. pieces of the left wing were found in a backyard near the airport. friends say farmer had radioed that he was concerned about the trees on approach, and made two fly overs before attempting to land. witnesses say the pilot tried to correct, but nose dived into the front yard. investigators are working on piecing everything together the family can have a v answers. >> hopefully to determine what happened, how it happened, and prevent these types of accidents from ever occurring again. >> the ntsb report should be released this coming week. >> the nationwide manhunt for a suspected bang robber and cop killer has ended tonight. fancy police evidently shot and killed the man after another bank robbery. >> reporter: the search for the accused bank robber and cop killer came to an end in phoenix saturday following
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another bank heist. >> i heard one boom, boom, book! >> reporter: the crime spree began monday morning when a man tried to rob an atlanta bank by butt failed. he went on to rob a bank customer at an atm. authorities believe he then went to mississippi where he hid on bank and got in a gunfight with police, shoots two officers. one of those officers die $. the suspect wasn't spotted again until saturday in phoenix. that's where police say he robbed a bank and fired at officers. >> the officer was trying to retreat and take cover. at that time, the detective drew his service weapon and fired at the suspect. >> reporter: he was killed. no one else was hurt. while officials aren't releasing the suspect's name, they say cellphone records confirmed he was in atlanta and mississippi at the time of the other two robberies. >> more than 1.1 million people have enrolled this the federal hole program by christmas eve. that's what the -- healthcare
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program by christmas eve. that's what the government reported today. the obama administration hopes to have 7 million people signed up by the end of march. >> it's a really nice night across san francisco. you can see here, nice across the entire bears with temperatures in the 40s and 50s. 50 in union city. cooler into brent wood, right now at 45 degrees, and the coldest places for tomorrow morning will go down into the upper 20s and low 30s below freezing. look for 40s by the bay. clear skies. lots of sunshine through the day tomorrow, and some increasing high clouds as we get later into the day. look for temperatures in the afternoon in the 60s, and then for new year's eve, going to be a beautiful night. look for mid-50s at 8:00 p.m., low 50s at 10:00 p.m., and as we ring in the new year, temperatures in san francisco in the upper 40s for the fire works, and i'll let you know about the fireworks for the first week of 2014 coming up.
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>> a supreme court justice will kick off the new year. she will lead the crowd in times square to the countdown. she was the third female and the first latino to become a supreme court justice. it is a big parts of any new year's eve celebration so test it out. today at the hard rock cafe in times square, spiderman helped throw hand fulls of confetti into the air as a test. the amazing spiderman will be helping out at the celebration, and is the official super hero of new year's eve. of course you done have to be in new york to have a really good time, ring in the new year with kron 4. we'll be hosting the only local new year's eve live show. we'll give you a front row seat
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to the best firework shows and parties. it will be a lot of fun. that's new year's eve after the 11:00 news, which i'men anchoring. >> starting january 1st, bart risers will pay about 19 cents more to pay for new train cars and other projects, which include having strains a little more often. more new year changes for clipper card charges. existing ride books should be used before the they expire on july 1st. sam trans has extended the deadline for purchasing monthly passes. and save some money on new year's eve. some services will be giving free rides on that night. still ahead, niners take their place in nfl high arky. jason is in with all of your foot highlights.
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plus an unconventional nativity scene stirring up controversy. good. good answer.
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check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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a nighttivity scene is raising eye browse. it featured a bloodied sculpture of trayvon martin instead of the baby jesus. george zimmerman was acquitted in the shooting this year. the sculpture will be taken down on january 5th. clairmont united methodist church is known for its controversial nativity scenes. night at the museum. it's also a real life sleep over. we'll show you where. plus a day at the beach reveal this ocean's top predator right next to mom's kids. well, the sharks may keep you away from the beach, but the weather sure doesn't. we had beautiful weather today
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in the 60s, even into the 70s. i'll talk about the forecast for the rest of 2013 coming up.
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now for a close encountier that shocked win california mom. check out this photo from manhattan beach. you can though shark swimming,n the waive just feet from her children. she told the kids was to dolphin. the department of fish and wildlife is warning swimmers to avoid swimming this season. they believe warmer weather and food are bringing sharks a little closer to shore. imagine spending a night at the museum. we'll show you where you can actually sleep with giant dinosaurs next. and the night i said is going to feature some cold temperatures. tonight look for mid-to-upper 20s. i'll have the forecast for the afternoon tomorrow coming up next. good. good answer.
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check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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and an thus sunday nights, we have clear conditions. no storms in sight here as we wrap up 2013, as the dry weather continues for the bay area. but at least we have nice weather to talk about during the day. warm conditions for monday. highs again into the 60s. close to more records. it will be a similar day for tuesday, although we'll have some extra high clouds from a weather system in the pacific, but any rain with that system is way way to the north. and starting out 2014, well, it will be mostly sunny and child once again. for the next seven days, try weather sticks around, but might be a chance for a little bit of wet weather. for the sierra, mostly sunny conditions monday. look a these temperatures in the sierra. highs in the low 50s.
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that's very unusual for the end of stem, and likewise no rain here, no snow in the higher elevations. 60s on tap for the south bay. monday 66 san jose. 65 in redwood city. and palo alto, temperatures into the low 60s. 63 hayward. oakland will reach 65 degrees. down from today's 73, which wars a record. 62 in san francisco. lots of 60s north bay. sunshine all over the place. tuesday a few extra high clouds, but still a sunny day, and we'll see cloudiness from time to time through the week, action we catch just the edges of a few pacific storms, but, again, rain not in california at all. high temperatures in the 60s, that's the way it will stand through next weekend. >> london's natural history museum is allowing adult sass chance to enjoy their very own
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night at the museum. for $300, 120 people can sleep beneath them dinosaurs. they also get to a three-course dinner, stand up comedy, and a natural horror movie marathon. the money raised by the event goes towards research, maintenance, and bringing in new visitors. the event was so popular that they're planning to do it again in january. a win decided in just two seconds, as the niners finds out who they'll face in the play-offs. jason is here in a matter of moments with all of you're niner and radar highlights coming up.
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thionins road to the super bowl begins in green bay next sunday after a wild regular season finale with the cardinals today. jim harbaugh, no shot at the division title, but bowman was a beast again today. picks off carson palmer. he had 10 tackles, a sack, and a fumble recover. kaepernick 310-yards, two touchdowns. no interceptions. later in the first, kaepernick a little out pattern to boldin who breaks the tackle. and watch this. turns it into a huge gain. 63 yards down to the four-yard line. boldin nine catches, 149 yards against his former team, the
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cardinals. and this looks like it's going to be a rout. 17-049ers in the first quarter. second quarter, cardinals mount a little bit of acomback. palmer will find larry fitzgerald who will rush down the sideline for the 49-yard gain, and pa few plays later, the cardinals will find themselves at fourth and one. they opt to go for it, and it works. palmer has 407 yards on the day against the niners, making it 17-7. later, niners a little trickery here. but phil dawson would miss a chip shot, which snaps his consecutive field goal streaks made. nine errs shut down pretty much in the second half. arizona will tie it up here late -- excuse me, this makes it 17-7, and the niners, they trade field goal physician the final minute, and that's when patton makes the catch of his
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young career. the one-hander with just seconds to go, ask that would set up the game winner by dawson from 48 yards out, it's good, 23-20. they finish the season 12-4. that's good enough for just the 5th side. the cardinals, tow, lip named when the saints won earlier today. and after the game, it's harbaugh singling out anquan boldin. >> so fortunate to the way he's played. he's played at the highest caliber all season, you know, competes always, and that has a big effect on other people, too, so a plus plus, anquan boldin. what a star. >> there is why the niners will be be in green bay instead of chicago. aaron rodgers back just in time to save the packers season. nfc north on the line. strange play here. looks like an incomplete pass
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by rodgers, but no whistle. picks up the ball some realizes there's no whistle. 10-7 green bay. great finish. 45 seconds left. packers down 1. fourth and 8. rodgers avoids the pressure, and then finds randall cobb wide open for the 48-yard game- winning touchdown. it was cobb's first game back from injury, as well. packers win 33-28. they win the nfc north for the third straight year despite just an 8-7-1 record, but many of those losses coming without aaron rodgers. so this will be a rematch of week one of the regular season here when green bay came to town and the niners won that game. this time, though, it will be in green bay. so that's next sunday at 1:30 p.m., and kron 4 will be sending michael pelton there, just found out. we will be covering from green bay, the frozen tundra.
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>> that's big-time. >> big time. >> cowboys and eagles playing for all the marbles. the nfc east title on the line, and the loser eliminated from the play-offs. jason garrett very much on the hot seat coming in. late 4th, eagles up one. bryce brown spelling mccoy, who will find the end zone. that makes it 24-16 eagles. kyle other were was in for the injured tony romo. play $fairly well, but right here makes one bad play. actually had a couple. this being the worst. this ends the cowboys season. jerry jones not happy. 24-22 eagles win, and capture the nfc east, and they will host the saints next weekend. >> the raiders, they failed to show up for their finale with denver, as peyton manning and the broncos clinched there top spot in the afc for the play- off requests, and set some records in the process.
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manning had four more touchdowns today after breaking the record for most touchdowns in a season last week. terrell pryor getting the starts today. he had 256 total yards and two touchdowns, but most of that came in garbage time. manning tosses about five feet in front of him, moreno does the rest, and just like that, it's 14-0 denver. second quarter now, manning directing traffic. he'll stand in the pocket. watch this perfect pass down the field to thomas. 63-yard touchdown, 24-0 denver. manning leads the broncos to the all-time single season scoring record. broncos score 606 points this year. that's about 38 a game. just before the half, manning needs 5 yards to break another drew brees record for passing yard ares in a season. he gets exactly that right here, and a touchdown to boot. that gives him a record 5,477 yards this year, and 55 touchdowns. he passes for 266 and four
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touchdowns in the first half alone. final 34-14 broncos. dennisalen and the raiders lose their 6th straight to make it back-to-back 4-12 seasons. >> yeah, i do. i expect to be black, and i'm looking forward to the opportunity to come back. so those are decisions that somebody else is going to make, but, yeah, i expect to be back. >> a month ago, the chargers were 5-7. today they're heading to the play-offs, thank foss four straight wins, and this miss by field chief's field goal kicker. had he made this field goal, the steelers would have made the final spot, but the chargers, instead, will win it. they take the lead in overtime on this field goal, and when the chiefs fail to score, that makes the chargers the third team from the afc west. only the raiders didn't make it from the division to qualify for the playoffs. warriors won as well today.
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>> they did, didn't they? >> and we have three hours of news now in the mornings on kron on sunday morning, so you can get your dose of that. and that wraps it up for us.
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>> arrests, custody fights. r-rated miley. et reveals biggest star scandals of 2013. i'm rob marciano. >> are you kidding me? >> reese witherspoon drunk in handcuffs. amanda bynes in a mental hospital. lance armstrong's doping confession. >> paris jackson's suicide attempt. what denise richard told e.t. about charlie sheen's troubled twins. >> how difficult was title give them up? >> paula deen called a racist. >> i is what i is. and i'm not changing. >> was camille grammar beaten by her boyfriend after cancer surgery.


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